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6 things to do for September holiday revision | Math Lobby

You might have heard of the following chatters from your friends or classmates before the September school holidays.

“It is the September school holidays again! Time to sleep till 12 pm and play games all through the night!” or

“No one is here to tell me what to do for one week! It's time to catch up on Netflix from noon to 3am and I will start my work on the last day before school reopens!”

Imagine this: You have finished WA3 and the school holidays are fast approaching! The upcoming final year exams are so near yet so far. Most exams start on the 3rd or 4th week of term 4 which means you still have 2-3 weeks after school reopens to study for your final exam.

Sorry to say that this is not true. Take note that you still have to go to school daily before your final examination. Also, many schools have not completed their full syllabus for the year so they will definitely devote some time to this, hence leaving less time to recap.

Revision is a huge part of doing well on exams. How you revise and how you structure your day is of utmost importance to succeed in the exams.

Not sure where to begin studying for the September holidays?

Follow this checklist for 6 actionable ideas that you can apply during your September holiday and you will be well prepared for your last school term for the year!

1. Organizing. Read the importance of organising (Chapter 6) of the Math Lobby book here.

Be it organizing your physical files, digital files, study table or time; organizing is a quick way to see what are the resources you have and how much there is to revise. Being organized can help you to reduce stress and also increase productivity and efficiency.

Tips for Organization

Physical Files and Notes

Buy a set of colour coded post-its, binders and dividers. Different coloured binder or file for each subject and dividers with pockets to put your study cards or small notes in is absolutely necessary to organize your worksheets. You can also create a cover page with the subject and date which you have revised on top. This will help you to remember what you have studied.

For post-its organizations, here are some of the examples of the colours and their purposes to help you.

Digital File and Notes

Consider using an organizational app like Notion, Anytype, Microsoft365 and Upnote to download and organize your digital notes.

After a quick organization, structure yourself well to see which are the parts you will be putting your focus, time and commitment on. You can start with the topic which you are weak at or the topics that you have covered during the start of the year.

2. Set Goals and Plan timetable

(this is covered in our book: Chapter 3: Setting Study goals with purpose here)

Why is goal setting important?

“If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes.” —Andrew Carnegie ·

Goals let us have a place to channel our energies to and keep us in check of our progress during the week. Plan your goals or your timetable in the morning or the day before (depending on what you prefer) to have a good structure the next day. Also, work expands to fill time, so remember to plan your goals and timetable by the hour.

3. Do the most important task first.

Many times, students tend to do the easiest task or the task that they like first to kick start their momentum. By the time they reach the most important task, they might be too drained to give it a 100%. They end up doing the most important task half-heartedly and hence getting poor results for it. It is vital to do the most important task of the day first to ensure effective time utilisation.

4. Doing timed past year examination papers

One of the major mistakes that Math Lobby sees students making are that they only do topical revision papers and neglecting the past year's examination questions. Doing past year exam papers is very important as it tests your time management skills and also your knowledge on all the topics in one sitting. You will then be able to see which are the topics that you are weaker in and then go back to revise that topic.

5. Take note of the questions which you have trouble answering or have gotten wrong during your one week revision period.

Choose a colour (i.e. Orange) and place post-it tags on the questions. You can refer to the orange tags on the day before your exams for revision.

6. Don't be afraid to ask for help

Take note of the questions with a purple post-its that you need to ask your teacher or tuition teacher on. Clear your doubts as quickly as you can. This will aid you in storing your knowledge and making the right connections in your mind.

Hope these tips have helped you for the upcoming September holidays.

Let us know if you find these tips useful and best of luck in your studies.

If you have any pending questions, please do go on to our Facebook page, Instagram or contact us directly at Math Lobby! We have certified mathematics tutors to aid you in your child’s journey to becoming a better student!

As always: Work hard, stay motivated and we wish all students a successful and enjoyable journey with Math Lobby!

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