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O Level A Math Syllabus Objectives

Updated: Mar 17, 2022

Hi parents and students who are taking the 2022 O Level A Math Examination, Math Lobby will be sharing with you this year's O Level A Math Syllabus Objectives today. In case you guys missed out on last week's article, we shared the 2022 O Level A Math Formula Sheet. Do remember to save/bookmark if you have not done so!

We realised the O Level A Math Syllabus Objectives checklist is always being overlooked and rarely used during the course of revision for students. However, syllabus objectives are in fact extremely useful when used correctly!

A method to use the O Level A Math Syllabus Objectives to our advantage will be to use them as checklists while revising for A Math. Students can check whether are there any gaps to be filled on a certain topic before moving on to the next topic.

Without any further ado, below would be 2022 O Level A Math Syllabus Objectives. Hope you find it useful!

2022 O Level A Math Syllabus Objectives

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